Green Bay Spring Preview

Green BayThis has been a long winter full of words like “Polar vortex” and “arctic air”.  These frequent frigid conditions make it hard to believe spring is just around the corner, when we’re covered in freshly laid late-winter/early-spring snows.  Everyone in and around the greater Green Bay area is anxiously awaiting the spring thaw.  So, while the changes up to this point may be subtle, those of us eager to get outside and have a daily dose of fresh air and sunshine are getting excited.  The greater Green Bay offer has a tremendous amount of adventure to offer to the average outdoor enthusiast, and spring is the perfect time for a weekend getaway to Green Bay.  For those of you looking to getaway, and looking for a little something different than your day to day, book a weekend at the Astor House Bed and Breakfast, and experience some of the exciting new things Green Bay has in store for you this spring.

Signs of Spring in Green Bay

We’re all watching for those first sure signs of spring to show their faces, from flower buds peeking their heads through the wintry ground, to birds continuing their migrations north.  Step outside and look for the first male red-winged blackbird, or listen for the cry of the killdeer or the mating song of the male chickadee.  Sap will begin to flow from the maples, and squirrels will be high in the trees signing their praises for this sugary sign of spring.  These are sure signs that spring is here.  Once spring is in full swing, there’s no shortage of wonderful things to do in Green Bay.  Head over to the Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary.  As of March 14th, the hiking and walking trails in this beautiful sanctuary are open, providing you with 700 acres of live animal exhibits, educational displays, miles of hiking/skiing trails and various wildlife viewing and bird-watching opportunities.  Hundreds of thousands of bird watchers visit Bay Beach annually to test their skills in finding the many species that frequent this area.

Green Bay Stop in at the Barkhausen Waterfowl Preserve on March 29th, and learn how the age-old tradition of making maple syrup is done.  While there, take the time to explore the 920 acres of forest, meadows and wetlands within the preserve.  A wide variety of waterfowl, wildlife, and plant species call this preserve home, and there are over 9 miles of scenic hiking trails run through the marshes and forests of the preserve.  If you’re anxious to get out and stretch your legs on regional hiking trails, then we suggest the Devils River State Recreational  Trail, the Fox River State Recreational Trail, or the Reforestation Camp.  Spring in Green Bay is glorious, and you won’t want to miss it.  Book your rooms at Astor House Bed and Breakfast now, and begin your Green Bay adventure.