The Best Places for Bird Watching
Bird watching opportunities in Green Bay are both abundant and diverse. The Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trail maps out some of the best birding territory, and is a great guide to the region. The variety of birds that move through the greater Green Bay area throughout the year include favorites like Warblers, Thrushes, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Hummingbirds, common Nighthawks and Chimney Swifts, to sharp-shinned and broad-winged hawks, Osprey, American kestrel, and other species of raptors. Here are the best places for bird watching in and around Green Bay:
- The Barkhausen Waterfowl Preserve, which is home to over 900 acres of forests, meadows, and wetlands. Avid birders have counted over 200 incredible species of birds here, including warblers, flycatchers, Wood Ducks, Northern Waterthrush,
- Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary‘s 700+ acres of birding habitat is also a wonderful place to spend a day while you’re in Green Bay. This beautiful sanctuary along the shores of Green Bay is known for significant concentrations of land birds that migrate through every spring and fall. Walk along the boardwalk trails here, and you’ll find yourself wandering through forests, fields, marshland, and open water habitats, each area home to a unique and diverse population of birds.
- The Cofrin Memorial Arboretum, which encircles the UW Green Bay campus, preserves a vital ecological component of Wisconsin’s natural habitat. It’s a wonderful place to listen to the charming songbirds migrating through the area.
- The Fox River State Trail is also a great place to look for birds, nestled along the shoreline.
- Reforestation Camp is a great place to see warblers, tanagers, nuthatches and cuckoos, in addition to northern species like the Common Raven and Winter Wren.
Bird watching is a great way to enjoy the spring season in Green Bay. Pack your favorite pack of binoculars, grab a field guide, and book your room at our Green Bay Bed and Breakfast.